Root Riot® 24 Tray


Root Riot cubes are the ideal propagation medium for soil and hydroponic plant growth


Root Riot® 24 Tray

Healthy, successful cuttings is a breeze when growers use a medium with the perfect air/water retention ratio.

These peat based cubes have the ideal structure to create the right air and moisture levels. Thus, supporting rapid root development.

As a result, strong roots become established quickly in Root Riot cubes, the spongy texture presents the ideal root environment. Likewise, to foster the growth of young plants, Root Riot cubes have a structure which allows delicate new roots the best environment to rapidly develop.

Root Riot cubes are the ideal propagation medium for soil and hydroponic plant growth:

  • Root Riot encourages faster, more vigorous rooting.
  • easy to use, clean and dust-free.
  • Root Riot provides reliable results.
  • Root Riot is fully biodegradable.
  • Ideal pre-cut hole size to support the cutting.

Available in:

Tray of 24
Refill bag 50 approx.
Refill bag 100 approx.

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